Our work with members

TGEU is committed to fostering strong trans organisations and movements. We are a member-based organisation. This allows us to directly support and take our leadership from our community members.

We offer tools, resources, and training. Additionally, members can sign up for one-on-one consultations. 

Our consultations can focus on:

  • Fundraising and grant writing
  • Organisational development
  • Community organising
  • Advocacy and policy work
  • Other specific needs of our members

How can I get involved in your community?

The best way to be involved is to become a member. Our members enjoy a wide range of benefits, including setting TGEU’s direction and goals, and access to member-only training, consultations, and resources. 

As a member, you can:

  • Connect to the movement through our listservs, including trans-info Europe and TGEU members: be the first to learn about relevant developments and opportunities, and stay in touch with trans activists from all over Europe and Central Asia.
  • Attend the European and Central Asian Trans Council. This is the largest  gathering of trans activists in Europe and Central Asia. The Council is held every two years to align joint goals and strategies.
  • Vote for TGEU leadership and direction. Every two years, TGEU members vote for our Board, as well as approve our strategic direction. Members are also eligible to run to become Board Members.

Our work with members

In addition to our regularly scheduled work with members, we also work with members at the national level to advocate for country-level policy. We have successfully contributed to passing several legal gender recognition laws based on self-determination, and continue to work with local organisations to pass more

You can find out more about our direction and our past work in our Strategic Plan or Member Activity Reports.

Strategic Plans



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