Germany: Two Progressive Legal Gender Recognition Proposals Presented to Family Ministry

On Thursday 16th February, two progressive reform proposals were presented at the German Family Ministry that could significantly improve the recognition of trans and intersex people, were they to ever become law. The Family Ministry had commissioned the two scientific studies from the Humboldt University and the German Institute for Human Rights. They also organised a public discussion of the two proposals with representatives from German ministries, representatives of the trans- and intersex communities, academia, and other stakeholders.
TGEU Senior Policy Officer Richard Köhler comments:
“The German Transsexuellengesetz rates as ‘poor’ according to TGEU’s human rights checklist for gender recognition laws. It was once progressive but has become an anachronism of the past, as Thursday’s discussion showed.
The current recognition procedure actually makes people miserable. Law makers need to act swiftly. The two proposals form a good starting point. Human rights must be the ultimate yardstick for a new gender recognition law in Germany.”
Expert opinion “Regelungs- und Reformbedarf für transgeschlechtliche Menschen” (Humboldt University Berlin)
Expert Opinion “Geschlechtervielfalt im Recht” (German Institute for Human Rights)