Our members

Our members are groups and individuals in Europe and Central Asia working for the rights and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people, including sex workers, trans refugees, and other further marginalised groups
Our members:
- Drive our strategic vision
- Elect our leadership
- Join a network and gain access to shared resources.
We also work with members to advocate for trans rights at the local level.
Our members are vital to TGEU’s mission. They ensure we retain a community focus and represent the diverse needs of trans people.
Member organisations by country
We have more than 200 members in over 50 countries across Europe and Central Asia. In particular cases, some members are not listed to protect their safety and security. This is at their request.
PINK Embassy / LGBT Pro Albania
Alliance Against Discrimination of LGBTI People Albania
We for civil equality
Տրանս Անձանց իրավունքների Պաշտպանության Գլոբալ Հիմնադրամ (Global Foundation for Trans Rights Protection)
«Նոր Սերունդ» Մարդասիրական ՀԿ
«Բազմազանություն» սոցիալ-մշակութային, իրավապաշտպան ՀԿ
Right Side NGO
Genres Pluriels
Network of European LGBT Families Associations
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Youth & Student Organisation
Trans BiH
Queer Cyprus Association
Helsinki Pride
Sateenkaariperheet – Regnbågsfamiljer ry
TransAmbassadors Finland
Espace Santé Trans
Acceptess Transgenres
Front Transfem
Care, Struggles, Workshops, Rages – Transidentities
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V.
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Inter-Trans in ver.di
Bundesverband Trans* e.V. BVT*
TIN Rechtshilfe
trans*support | Fachstelle für trans* Beratung und Bildung
VDGE e.V. – Vereinigung von Menschen mit Variante der Geschlechtsentwicklung e.V.
Greek Transgender Support Association
Colour Youth – Athens LGBTQ Youth Community
Trans Refugee Alliance Athens
Transgender Equality Network Ireland
BeLonGTo Youth Service
Trans Limerick Community
Trans Healthcare Action
Movimento Identità Transessuale
Arcigay, Italian LGBT Association
Gender X
Comitato Provinciale Arcigay Palermo
Arcigay Firenze Altre Sponde APS
Gay Center / Gay Help Line
Transgender Network Italy – Ente Filantopico – ETS – RUNTS (in acronimo T.N.I.)
Euphoria Trans fvg aps
MyrzAym Initiative Group
ОО “Кыргыз Индиго” (Kyrgyz Indigo)
Queer Safer/Space
Felis Advocacy Initiative
Stichting Transman
Trangender Netwerk Nederland TNN
TransMotion Foundation
Trans United Europe
Stichting EqualA Foundation
Trans & Non Binary Migrants: Sex workers, Human Trafficking victims and Asylum Seekers.
LGBT United Tetovo
TransFormA – Initiative for protection and promotion of the rights of transgender people in the Republic of North Macedonia
ТрансФормА (TransformA)
The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Queer Youth Norway
GRIT – Group of Reflection and Intervention about Transexuality
Ação Pela Identidade
TransMissão: Associação Trans e Não-Binária
Saint-Martin et Sint maarten: l’Alliance en faveur de l’égalité
Colectibo “LAS TRANS (…)”
Fundación Daniela
Col·lectiu Lambda Valencia
Asociation of Sex Professionals
Chrysallis Asociación de Familias de Menores Transexuales
Organización de Trabajadoras Sexuales OTRAS
Grupo de Políticas Trans de la FELGTB
No Binaries España
Observatorio Privado para la Evaluación de Políticas Públicas LGTBI en Aragón
The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights
The Transgender Association FPES
Queer Youth Sweden
Red Umbrella Sweden
Pink Life LGBTI Solidarity Association
Istanbul LGBTI
Black Pink Triangle Izmir Association
Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association
Counseling Center For Transgender People
Mersin LGBT 7Renk Association
Social Policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies
Young Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Intersex Youth Studies And Solidarity Association
Üniversiteli Kuir Araştırmaları ve Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Trans İnterseks Dayanışma Derneği
İnter Dayanışma
Insight public organisation
NGO Cohort
Scottish Transgender Alliance – Equality Network Limited
The Metro Centre Limited
Focus:the identity trust
UK Trans Info
Non-Binary+ Northern Ireland
Stonewall Equality Limited
Spirit Level Transgender Association
Gendered Intelligence
Queer & Trans Inclusion Partnership CIC LTD
Gender Identity Research & Education Society
Spectra CIC
Inclusive Bangla ইনক্লুসিভ বাংলাদেশ
Trans Network Balkan
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