Trans Rights Index & Map

What rights do trans people have in your country?

TGEU’s Trans Rights Map illustrates the legal rights of trans people in Europe and Central Asia. It shows country-specific requirements for legal gender recognition, protections for trans asylum seekers, hate crime and speech laws, and more.

Each country has its own legislation regulating legal gender recognition, how easy it is to access trans-specific healthcare, and more. 

To understand the state of trans rights, TGEU tracks changes in law related to trans people and gender identity. We release an update of our Trans Rights Index and Map every year on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHoBiT).

Our Trans Rights Index & Map illustrates the legal situation of 49 countries in Europe and five in Central Asia. It shows country-specific requirements for legal gender recognition, as well as existing protections for trans people in asylum, hate crime/speech, non-discrimination, health, and family.

This project launched in 2013.

What’s in the Trans Rights Index & Map?

The Trans Rights Index & Map tracks trans rights by law. We look at six categories:

  • Legal gender recognition
  • Asylum
  • Hate speech & hate crime
  • Non-discrimination
  • Health
  • Family

The map looks at laws and policies to paint a picture of trans rights. 

We cover 54 countries, including 49 countries in Europe and five countries in Central Asia.

How do we collect this data?

In collaboration with ILGA-Europe, we work with local country experts to stay up to date on new laws that impact trans people. We award points based on indicators. For example, if a country passes a new legal gender recognition law based on self-determination, it would receive a point if the law does not require any third party intervention. However, if the law is only available to people over 18, the country would not receive an additional point.

Using 32 indicators, we award each country a score. However, these scores are based solely on legal text. We do not take into account the social atmosphere or other factors that may impact how laws are applied.

Trans Rights Index & Map 2024

TRans rights Index & map

Covering Europe and Central Asia

Since 2013, TGEU has been collecting data on the legal protection of trans people in Europe. In 2019, this was expanded to cover Central Asia. The Trans Rights Index & Map has been a collaborative effort with ILGA-Europe since its beginning.


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