Consensus Statement: Unfinished Business: The EU mandate we need to achieve the end of the HIV epidemic

The following Consensus Statement consolidates the key ideas and views shared during ‘Unfinished Business: The EU mandate we need to achieve the 2030 UNAIDS Goals,’ a roundtable discussion held in Brussels earlier this year.
Its primary aim is to outline an EU roadmap for action to guide Member States towards achieving the UNAIDS 2030 goals, particularly focusing on ending HIV and AIDS by 2030. This statement is an advocacy tool to raise awareness among EU-level policymakers and Member States. It highlights the need to prioritise HIV on the agenda of the next European Commission. Designed for community advocates, the statement is endorsed by various organisations and individuals to amplify its impact and ensure it reaches relevant and influential policymakers.
By collectively using this statement, we can advance our shared goals with the new Commission and Members of the European Parliament. Ultimately, the statement aims to serve as a reference for community advocates in their efforts to raise awareness among EU-level policymakers and Member States, stressing the importance of prioritising HIV on the agenda of the next Commission.