European Parliament Includes Trans Rights in a Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health

The European Parliament has recently adopted a resolution on the situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame of women’s health. TGEU celebrates the inclusion and recognition given to the sexual health and reproductive rights needs of the trans community.
The report is an important milestone in the face of recurrent attacks against sexual health and reproductive rights in EU Member States. The Parliament asserts the need to defend and increase access to services and rights. They should therefore be broadly available. No one should be discriminated against on the grounds of their gender identity when trying to access general but also specific areas in healthcare.
The report gives much-needed recognition to the fact that trans people have needs in regard to their sexual health and reproductive rights, too. Fertility information and treatment, pregnancy and birth-related measures, comprehensive sexuality education, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) are important for trans and non-binary people.
The Parliament further calls on the Member States to, “counter discrimination in SRHR services and use an intersectional approach to make sure that women and girls (both transgender and cisgender), non-binary persons, lesbian, bisexual and intersex women have equal access to SRHR services and rights.”
The report addresses the specific forms of anti-trans violence and discrimination in this area and calls for intersectional responses. In addition, it clearly recalls that trans-specific healthcare should be accessible and reimbursed by public health insurance schemes.
Finally, it also calls on the Member States to, “abolish the sterilisation requirement in legal gender recognition procedures, and to protect transgender persons’ right to self-determination.”
The report is an important statement for trans-inclusive equality in the sensitive area of sexual health and rights. It urges governments but also civil society to upscale service provision and access to rights than give in to conservative hate groups. Sexual health and reproductive rights, such as information about and access to contraceptives, are a precondition for enjoying other human rights, such as bodily autonomy or the right to decide about the number and spacing of children. People need it also to learn more broadly about one’s own body, gender, and sexuality.
TGEU is honoured to have been able to contribute to this important report. Its adoption shows the commitment, yet again, of a strong trans-inclusive EU. In these times of fear and uncertainties, it is crucial that the EU continue advancing the human rights of trans people.