How Being Pathologised Impacts our Lives – Trans Activists Talk to EU Institutions

On 18 October 2017, seven activists from across the European Union met with representatives of the European Commission and members of the European Parliament. The activists explained how the fact that trans identities are still considered as ill-helth impacts trans people in all areas of life.
It was also a chance for the activists to learn more about the functioning of the European Union, and to make direct links with policy makers and fellow activists.
Participants felt that the study visit gave them better knowledge and skills for their future work:
“This study visit gave me a better sense of how the human rights of trans people are perceived and addressed in the EU institutions, and how to approach specific issues where want to see change. But what was even more useful for me was hearing how other activists explained specific issues faced by their communities, and discussing ways to convey our realities to people who don’t have much or any direct experience with such issues. The guidance and encouragement we received from the TGEU staff were very empowering and practical. I am excited about using these new skills to engage our national representatives in the EU, specifically with regard to the implementation of LGR procedures and healthcare coverage. Now I have a much better sense of where to start and what to expect in the process. ”
“[The study visit] also gives me a big push to continue that work/advocacy, to aim high and go for it! I think many times we don’t even think about the things we can do or which people we can actually reach, limiting ourselves, because we don’t have the experience or the resources in terms of information for example, to realize that we can actually do this kind of things, and that they have an impact.”
“All the things I learned from the other activists (situation in different countries, examples of all kind…) I will use in the trainings and talks I give to different populations.”