International Women’s Rights Day 2017

Transgender Europe’s statement on International Women’s Rights Day 2017
“TGEU stands with the feminist movement in calling for the securing and advancing of reproductive rights for all women and trans people.
TGEU calls upon policy makers, healthcare professionals and the media to strongly denounce any backlash or attacks on these rights.”
European Coalition to end violence against women and girls statement
“A unique Coalition of more than 25 European-wide networks and NGOs dedicated to social justice and equality, the European Coalition to end violence against women and girls calls on the EU decision-makers to mark International Women’s Day with concrete actions.”
TGEU’s factsheet
TGEU’s factsheet, “10 Facts on Transgender Rights & Gender Equality”, highlights 10 facts which show why the trans and women’s rights movement should work in mutual solidarity and support each other in the face of gender inequality.
Online campaign
Every day from the 3rd to the 7th March 2017 we will be sharing facts on Transgender Rights & Gender Equality. The hashtag (#) used on social media for International Women’s Day is #IWD and #IWD2017.
Day 1: Human rights are for everyone
Day 2: Intersectionality
Day 3: Bodily integrity for women & trans people
Day 4: Access to employment, and depathologisation
Day 5: Political representation
Photos taken at the 6th European Transgender Council by Laura Bessega & Mina Tolu.