Introducing 3 co-directors taking TGEU forward and announcing vacancies

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From one Executive Director to an Executive Team
We are happy to share today with activists, stakeholders, members, funders and our communities, the restructuring process that will bring TGEU forward.
Developed for 10 months, with the support of Pro Impact Strategy and Glokal – Power critical work consultancy, we are now moving towards a pilot structure from one Executive Director to an Executive Team of 3 co-directors to sustain the development and growth of the organisation.
Operations Director
The Operations Director will be responsible for the financial overview, budget and operational decisions, as well as developing an operational plan with practices, internal regulations and procedures to ensure a work environment that support achieving the strategic goals. The Operations Director will also be coordinating and supporting the Operations and Communications.
Strategic Director
The Strategic Director will implement the strategic goals and development of the organisation and be the center stage of external representation, fundraising and cooperation with governing bodies and stakeholders. The Strategic Director will also work closely with the Policy team to develop policies and positions, keeping an overarching view while supporting and managing team members.
Programmes Director
The Programmes Director will be responsible for the ongoing management of TGEU’s projects by being the focal point between the project managers and the strategic development of the organisation. Closely working with the Projects team and keeping a foot in the ground work, the Programmes Director will also implement in community work and projects through Europe and Central Asia.
Guided by our members towards 3 goals
As a member-based organisation, TGEU represents the voices of 112 member organisations across 44 countries in Europe and Central Asia. Since 2005, TGEU has delivered strong advocacy and policy strategies, while monitoring violence through research projects and supporting community building with an overarching aim to improve trans people’s lives and rights throughout Europe, Central Asia and beyond.
Elect every 2 years the Steering Committee
Steering Commitee
Governs the organisation and Executive Team
Executive Team
Executes the Strategic Plan voted by the members and manages the staff team
Our new structure will ensure this work continues, while increasing management capacities for our team and looking deeper at centering the voices of the most marginalised groups within our trans community. At our last General Assembly, our members voted for this extended value stream by electing more Steering Committee members from these communities. The members therefore equipped TGEU with the knowledge and experience to bring TGEU forward with this structure and our recently approved values as foundation of our work. Together, we are aiming to ensure 3 main goals.
Ensure TGEU’s work continues
This structure comes in to ensure TGEU’s work continues as planned while sustaining the development and growth of the organisation. We strive to ensure a smooth transition for our staff members, partners, members, funders, communities and other stakeholders.
Increase management capacities
Growing from 1 staff member to 11 in the same structure for 12 years outreached capacities to offer adequate support to our team. This new structure increases management capacities to be able to focus on empowerment, support, accountability and personal growth for our team.
Extend an intersectional stream to our work
By welcoming 2 trans people of colour as co-directors, we aim to center the communities who have been left behind in the framework of TGEU with the underlined purpose to become an organisation that will be able to move forward against racism, classism, ableism, xenophobia and other forms of oppression.
Welcoming the 3 co-directors
Operations Director
Moritz G. Sander
Moritz brings 6 years of financial and operational expertise moving up from his previous position as Senior Financial Officer within TGEU. Adding a strategic approach to the organisation’s work, Moritz is a dedicated team person with in-depth, long-term knowledge of TGEU, including procedures, processes and overall financial work.
Strategic Director
Dinah Bons
Dinah has 15 years of experience managing over 200 people and being Director of 4 start up companies throughout her career. This combines with her experience gained in 25 years of gay and trans activism. Elected as co-chair by our members in July 2018, this pilot structure welcomes her expertise to bring TGEU forward.
Programmes Director
Akim Grx
Akim is a strategic thinker who approaches work with responsibility and drive by centering the power within the communities. Within TGEU for 3 years and a background in anti-racist and trans movements, Akim brings clear analyses of structures and power to bring TGEU towards more intersectional practices.