Joint Statement With Greek Transgender Support Association, Colour Youth, Amnesty International and All Out

Joint public statement: 20th September 2017
Greece: Bill on legal recognition of gender identity must fully uphold transgender people’s rights
On 18 September 2017, a much anticipated bill to reform the procedure through which transgender people can access legal recognition of their gender identity has been tabled to the Greek Parliament. The bill is an important step forwards since it expressly states that transgender persons can change their papers without the requirement of medical interventions or tests. Still, more changes are required before it is voted so that transgender people can fully enjoy their rights without discrimination.
Prompted by the need for further reforms, four non-governmental organizations working on transgender peoples’ rights – the Greek Transgender Support Association, Colour Youth, Amnesty International and All Out – partnered and launched a Joint International Campaign on 31 August 2017. In this campaign, the four organizations urge Stavros Kondonis, the Greek Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights and the Members of the Greek Parliament to do the right thing and ensure that the new legislation fully upholds the rights of transgender people. The campaign is also supported by Transgender Europe and ILGA Europe.