What Happened To the Money? Fundraising Toolkit for Trans Organising in Times of COVID-19

What is the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on trans organising and trans organisations? How can we make sure trans organisations, and therefore trans communities, are not left behind as national protective measures are lifted and economies start recovering?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on how under resourced trans organisations are, and how difficult it is to address the three major needs of trans-led organisations: the need to respond immediately to public emergencies and crises; the need to provide services to meet everyday demands of our communities; and the need to ensure long-term operational capacity.
Why this publication?
Trans communities have been – and will continue to be for the foreseeable future – severely affected by the massive-scale COVID-19 crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably worsened the socio-economic situation of many trans persons as well as their access to education, housing, health, and employment. However, barriers and challenges faced by trans communities are underestimated. Trans people continue to face a crisis within a crisis, posing one of the biggest challenges for our communities around the world at this moment.
What can I find in it?
The result is this toolkit with some key findings that address the financial impact of the crisis on trans organising together with tips and recommendations to support organisations in managing escalating scenarios, surviving the crisis, and its consequences.
Since April 2020 TGEU has been monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on trans communities in Central Asia and Europe. With this publication, TGEU expects to support activists when raising awareness and advocating on the state of trans funding, and when empowering community members by strengthening their fundraising skills.
We hope that this toolkit will be used as an advocacy tool by local and national trans organisations and inspire further community strategies.