Call for candidates: TGEU Board members 2024–2026

Do you want to work with us to help strengthen the trans movement in Europe and Central Asia? Are you interested in, and want to work with us on the direction of TGEU and be part of its future? If so, nominate yourself to join the Board of TGEU for 2024-2026!
At TGEU’s General Assembly on Saturday, 23 November 2024, the membership will elect seven members of TGEU’s Board to serve a two-year term (2024-2026) and our dedicated page contains details about the 2024 General Assembly and elections.
We encourage candidates who would like to join the Board to apply using the application instructions below.
Serving on the TGEU Board is both an exciting leadership opportunity and an important responsibility. To increase representation and expertise on the Board, and to recognise intersections within our trans and non-binary communities, we especially encourage applications from trans and/or non-binary people who are Black and/or people of colour, D/deaf and disabled people, migrants, transfeminine, and/or sex workers. In addition, candidates with experience or skills in NGO management, human rights, finances, fundraising, and community building are encouraged to apply. And, we urge interested members to nominate themselves as candidates and mention their background and experiences in the nomination form.
About the Board
TGEU’s Board consists of nine members, including two Co-Chairs, who are legally and fiscally responsible for TGEU and its governance between General Assemblies, which takes place every two years. The Board is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the approval of organisational policies, approving or dismissing members, calling the General Assembly, hiring and managing the Executive Director, and approving the organisational budget and annual work plans. The Board is not in charge of the day-to-day operational activities; this remains with the Executive Director and the employed staff members. Both staff and the Board support each other in their work.
Priorities for 2024-2026
TGEU has gone through many changes since it was formed 19 years ago. Several leadership transitions from 2018-2024, meant that the Board had to focus on stabilising and sustaining the organisation and its impact on trans communities and movements in Europe and Central Asia. In the 2024-2026 term, the Board will continue working closely with the Executive Director and staff to continue strengthening TGEU’s operations and programmes while ensuring its sustainability and the wellbeing of staff and Board members.
TGEU Board candidate requirements
To run for an elected position on the TGEU Board, candidates must be a TGEU member in good standing, either of a TGEU member organisation or as an individual member, and membership fees need to be paid by the time of the General Assembly for you to vote.
Find more information on our membership page, where you can sign up for either group or individual membership. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, contact us at
Key activities
Candidates elected to the Board can expect to:
- Attend monthly online meetings of the Board, including quarterly in-person meetings, if it is safe to travel and meet in person
- Be an official representative of TGEU
- Exchange ideas with a collaborative and diverse team of trans activists;
- Have TGEU cover the cost of travel, accommodation, and food/per diems for any board-required travel, including participation in the TGEU European and Central Asian Trans Councils
- Help shape the future of TGEU and its work in Europe and Central Asia
Additionally, ideal candidates for the Board should be:
- Able to dedicate 5 to 20 hours per month to TGEU, and participate in online and in-person meetings
- Able to join online Board meetings
- Available to travel abroad occasionally for meetings and potentially for conferences (help with obtaining visas will be provided and travel costs, accommodation, and food/per diems will be covered)
- Eager to represent and amplify the voices of the diverse trans communities in Europe and Central Asia
- Fluent in spoken and written English (does not have to be perfect, but good enough to work in English, the working language of TGEU)
- Have experience in leading or being part of an activist group
- Have internet access and be comfortable with standard internet-based communication (regular online voice meetings, mailing lists, emails and document sharing)
- Understand intersectional approaches to the work of trans rights advocacy and representation
- Well-connected to trans communities in their regions and have been involved in trans organising on a local, national, regional, or international level
- Willing to learn, unlearn, and challenge normative narratives
Nomination process
To apply to join the TGEU Board of Directors, candidates will apply through following the steps below:
Stage 1: Candidates must :
- Fully complete and submit the Board nomination form
- Prepare and submit a 1–2-minute max video describing their experience, skills, and interest in serving as a Board member and/or as a Co-Chair. Please use the video presentation guidelines shared below.
Please note that all nomination forms and videos must be submitted to by 16:00 CET on Friday, 8 November 2024, the deadline for the submission of materials.
Stage 2: After review of submissions, staff will confirm all nominees’ eligibility by Wednesday 12, November 2024.
To nominate yourself, please complete application package by 8 November 2024. Remember to answer all of the questions to help TGEU members make well-informed use of their voting rights at the 2024 General Assembly.
We look forward to receiving your application!
More info
Help shape TGEU’s future: Join us for our hybrid General Assembly this November
Key deadlines re: TGEU’s General Assembly statutes and standing orders