Trans rights and wellbeing in Europe & Central Asia
200+ member organisations in 50+ countries
Trans rights & wellbeing in Europe & Central Asia
TGEU – Trans Europe and Central Asia

Trans Murder Monitoring

Will the cycle of violence ever end?

Latest publications

Barbed wire border

EU asylum pact fails trans asylum seekers

The Pact fails to adequately address the needs of vulnerable asylum seekers, including trans and gender-diverse people fleeing persecution.

By Topic

A trans couple embracing outside at dusk

Trans murder monitoring

Systematic monitoring and analysis of homicides of trans and gender-diverse people globally.

Trans rights index & map

Exploring the legal rights of trans people in Europe and Central Asia.

A trans doctor consults with a patient.

Trans health map

Explore the type and accessibility of trans-specific healthcare in the EU.

Trans Day of Remembrance

We demand a world that values and protects trans lives in all our diversities

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